Acknowledge the Past 
Cherish the Present 
Plan for the Future
We Strive to Fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 18-20)  
We Live to Observe the Grand Commandment (Mark 12: 28-31)

The covenanted purpose and mission of our Church is:
1.  To walk together as brothers and sisters in Christ;

2  To exercise a Christian care and watchfulness over each other and faithfully warn and 
      encourage one another as the case shall require;

3.  To faithfully assemble ourselves for prayer, study and public worship;

4.  To participate in each other’s joys; to endeavor with tenderness and sympathy to bear 
     each other’s burdens and sorrows; and to affirm in one another the gifts of the Spirit;

5.  To earnestly endeavor to nurture our children in a knowledge of the love and 
     commandments of God as revealed in Jesus Christ through the Biblical record and to 
     seek and guide their growth in Christian stature;

6.  To walk in the world in the love of Christ and under the guidance of His Spirit, not to 
     be conformed to the world, but to be faithful children of God;

7.  To faithfully present the meaning of redemption and to touch people of all ages with 
     the love of God in Jesus Christ that their lives may be transformed by the Spirit 
     through all our words and activities;

8.  To support a faithful ministry of Christian outreach and social justice in the world and 
      in this place in accordance with the Baptist witness and in cooperation with the whole 
      family of faith;

9.  To live in all our ways to the glory of Him who called us out of darkness into His 
      marvelous light.

Statement of Affiliation
The First Baptist Church in Woburn is affiliated with the American Baptist Churches, U.S.A., the American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts, and the Adoniram Judson Baptist Association.

We recognize the necessity of ecumenical fellowship and action and pledge our support and cooperation in such endeavors with other churches of our community and through the Massachusetts Council of Churches, the National Council of Churches in the U.S.A., and the World Council of Churches.
Persons may become a member of our church by vote of the Board of Deacons and by profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; by showing an understanding of Christian commitment and responsible discipleship; by assuming the obligation of the Covenant of this community; and 
1. By being baptized by immersion or
2. By transfer of membership form another Church, or
3. By public profession of his/her faith without baptism by immersion, if the 
     Board of Deacons deems such baptism is inadvisable.